
How to Keep Herons from Attacking Fish

 While all of us love critters and wildlife, in general, we have to keep pond predators like herons away from our beloved koi and goldfish. This video from Foisy Aquatics provides 10 methods to keep herons away from your pond, and this issue can be a great reason to connect with customers and discuss …

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Healthy or Stressed — It Makes a World of Difference

>> Also see the main feature,  “Waterlily Pests and Diseases: A Ten-Year Update.” Healthy waterlilies are very tough plants. They withstand rains, winds, droughts, hail storms, and neighborhood kids with sticks. And more importantly, pests usually ignore them. Thriving lilies grow fast and bloom well, with plenty of leaves and regular blooms. There are enough …

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Dragonflies Can Help Control Your Pond’s Pest Population

Many people think that installing a water garden or water feature will create a mosquito problem for the nearby landscape. However, I like to talk about the fact that if water is managed correctly, the landscape will actually have fewer of these bugs and other small, flying insects than landscapes without water. Water can attract …

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Keeping Common Summer Pests Out of Clients’ Ponds

Summer serves as a great opportunity for pond maintenance. Your clients’ ponds will likely have more problems that require attention, such as algae growth, changing oxygen or pH levels, as well as summer pests and predators. Certain pests will be more of a problem in the warmer months, so it’s important to provide solutions that …

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Pest Controls and Pest Descriptions

For every plant there is a pest. Plant expert Kelly Billing has complied a list of the most common pest diseases, their controls and the descriptions of the little pest into an easy table you can read and use as a reference in the future. The tables cover 14 common pests, from Aphids to white fly.

Raccoons – the Masked Bandits of Ponds

Just say the word raccoon and I can already see you cringing. They are everywhere – urban and rural. They adapt to their environment and they just love water. Learn the signs to tell whether you have raccoons or not and how to prevent the damage they can cause. Like building the pond with steep sides, at least a one-foot drop instead of slopping sides. If you can’t prevent them there are also several tips on how to control them.

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