POND Trade Newsletter with AdsLead Generation from our New Issue Newsletter

Our bi-monthly New Issue Newsletter reaches nearly 2000 professionals in the pond and water feature industry. Advertisers drive traffic to their website and receive contact information for subscribers who click on their ads and sponsored article links.

The newsletter provides readers with an advance look at content included in the latest issue. Advertisers receive a lead generation report two weeks after the newsletter is deployed.

Newsletter Issue


Newsletter Rates:
Premium Sponsor - $600
- Two sponsored links that include headline, image, 30 words of copy and URL
- One 728 x 90 Banner ad unit with link
- Only one sponsor per newsletter



The eBlast goes out to approximately 2000 subscribers and would be a single-sponsor custom eblast that would revolve around your sponsored content article. POND Trade magazine will capturing leads (contact information) for all of those that click on the creative. We will provide that list to you approximately 2 to 3 weeks after the newsletter goes out.

For more information, contact Lora Lee Gelles at llgelles@pondtrademag.com or 708/306-8372.
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