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>> Subscribe here for the most comprehensive coverage in the pond industry. Published bi-monthly, print and digital subscriptions are available to pond professionals in the US (free of charge). Pond professionals outside of the U.S as well as pond enthusiasts may subscribe to our digital edition for free. Pond enthusiasts in the US can purchase a print subscription via Paypal for $29.95 annually.

At POND Trade, our mission is to grow the industry and offer success stories, inspiring projects, video case studies, product information, news and industry trends to inform the design and construction of ponds and water features.

In print and online, POND Trade content covers pond construction advancements, aquatic plants, koi, pond business trends, and sales and marketing tools to make your job easier.


Exclusive online content

Our website PONDtrademag.com features exclusive content such as a monthly Contractor's Corner feature article, gallery spotlights and video content, and more. Join your peers in discussion of all things pond-related on Facebook and Instagram. 



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