Fish, Koi, Goldfish

Aokiya Koi Farm

(Excerpt from the book KOISHI)
An in-depth interview with the creator of the koi variety Kikokuryu, Mr. Haruo Aoki. Learn how his childhood koi experience inspired him, and about the creation of a new koi variety. This is a sample chapter from the new book KOISHI.

Language of Koi – Glossary

When your customer comes into the store and says, “I want a Tancho Sanke,” do you know what that means? Do you know what beni, matsuba, shiro, tosai, yodan Kohaku means? As the professional, you need to know these Japanese words and terms used commonly in the koi industry. Here is a quick, illustrated list of some of the more common words you will hear, explained simply and clearly.

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