Mamoru Kodama is an expert in the Koi industry, an author, and the owner of Miyoshiike Co., Ltd. He has been invited to speak as a guest lecturer several times by international Koi clubs within the United States, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, etc. He was a guest speaker at the AKCA seminar 2002, Concord, California and AKCA Seminar 2009, San Diego, California.
His approach to the beauty of koi inspires and enlightens many koi hobbyists and dealers around the world.
Recently started Koi Academy-if you are thinking about starting a koi business, please study with us and develop your own system before you start.
His profound knowledge and expertise is now compiled in two MUST-read books! They are available under the titles, Kokugyo and Kokugyo II. Mr. Kodama has assembled a wealth of information and experience in these two books that will educate beginning Koi hobbyists as well as the seasoned professional.
(Excerpt from the book KOISHI)
An in-depth interview with the creator of the koi variety Kikokuryu, Mr. Haruo Aoki. Learn how his childhood koi experience inspired him, and about the creation of a new koi variety. This is a sample chapter from the new book KOISHI.