In March 2023, the Fitz’s Fish Ponds team imported 50,000 tosai from Japan! This is one of the largest shipments of koi ever to be imported into the US. More than 500 boxes of koi were unboxed and released into our stock tanks at the FFP Farm in Milford, New Jersey.
“All the koi came to us in great condition,” said Brian Fitzsimmons, owner of FFP. “Now they are in their quarantine period as they acclimate to their new environment.”
The FFP Team is very excited about this particular shipment because we now have the largest quantity of koi as well as the most variety. We can confidently supply a customer with just about any variety or size koi they are looking for. On the recent Japan trip, Brian and the team visited and bought koi from the top breeders in Japan including Marusei, Shintaro, Shinoda, Maruhiro, Iwashita, Marusada, Chogoro, Hiroi, Masaki Aoki, Marusho, Torazo and Hiroi Seji.
These 50,000 koi came to us in two separate shipments, one on March 15 and the other on March 22. None of this could be possible without the help of Masaru Saito, Kosuke Saito and those at Shintaro Koi Farm. We are especially grateful to Kosuke, who boarded the plane and made the trip to the FFP Farm from Japan after loading all the koi. He then helped our team unload, unbox and monitor the health of the fish at our facility.
Contact us at 908/301-4722 to schedule an appointment to visit the FFP Farm in New Jersey. www.fitzfishponds.com