July / August 2014

Respecting Life Through Waterscapes

While discussing some routine design plans with a client, Cash French realized that the project they were designing was no ordinary pond renovation. It was a heartfelt tribute to the client’s family — both past members, present loved ones and future generations. Turn to page 8 to see how French’s Waterscapes gave this pond new life by focusing on “genius loci,” or spirit of place.

More Than Just a Pond

What makes a koi pond a koi pond? (You may be surprised to discover that it’s not just koi.) A true koi pond is designed specifically to accommodate the unique needs of the fish, including dissolved oxygen content, water quality, minimum water volume and even waste management.

A Hobby, Not a Chore: Four critical steps for headache-free water gardening

Water features can bring their owners endless pleasure and relaxation. Of course, they can also become disgusting, stinky cesspools that require hours of labor to maintain. Thankfully, attention to a few key requirements will keep the workload down and the beauty and enjoyment up. Drawing from his many years of experience, Jamie Beyer outlines the key steps that will keep your pond clean, clear and easy to maintain.

Defeating Drought: The many advantages of rainwater harvesting

It glimmers, it shines, and it’s at the bottom of your pond. No, it’s not a wishing coin thrown in by a naughty neighbor — it’s Hikari Moyo! As marketable as they are beautiful, these patterned koi have a brilliant, metallic sheen that will set any koi lover’s heart aflutter. Here, Taro Kodama shares the important characteristics to look for when appreciating this unique and shiny variety.

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