Clayton Graba, otherwise known as “Clay,” currently resides in New Jersey with his extremely supportive wife and amazing two sons. He owns A Frog’s Dream Aquatic Services, which has been operating since 2006. After diving into the automation and software world, he really wants to help other contractors realize the potential of embracing technology to help their company’s grow.
Clay loves to travel with his family, play golf when he finds the time, and watch his sons on the ice hockey rink. He also loves the game cornhole. (Yes, Clay plays in a cornhole league and thinks he’s pretty cool because of it.)
The idea of integrating automation into your pond business and administrative processes may seem daunting. You might even ask yourself, “Why not just do it manually?” Here’s why you need to automate your pond business: Any task on hand can be completed manually. Manually is how everything has been done for centuries. However, would you […]
Read MoreHow many times a week is a return phone call missed? A follow-up quote forgotten? A quick checkup on a client not completed? The list goes on. We’re all human, and quite frankly, running a business can be overwhelming sometimes. We forget to send that quote or email, to make that phone call to a […]
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