Contest tips from last year’s judges to ponder as you prepare your contest entries
Thought we’d pass along some tips from the judges that attended the Water Garden Expo in Oklahoma last year.

Three of the six judges that were in attendance offered up some great advice based on their judging experience. The judges in attendance were Tim Wood, Larry Carnes and Chad Smith. The biggest point they were in agreement about was that photos make all the difference.
Some tips to consider:
Include at least one photo that shows the whole project
Do not show dirty water
Send in good quality photos
Provide a detailed photo of your project (a closeup of an area of interest)
Do not show dirty water
Be sure the pond liner is not showing
Here’s a general tip from your publisher. We really need a good description of your project. It makes it much easier for our editor, Jordan Morris, to do a proper writeup if you win.
The deadline for entries is quickly approaching. Be sure to get them in by November 30th. There will not be an extension this year. Click here to enter: https://www.pondtrademag.com/entry-form-2023-water-artisans-of-the-year-awards/
Good luck!