I recently finished up the 2021 media kit that goes out to all our wonderful, supportive advertisers. I always include a taste of some of the upcoming articles planned for the next year while we try to line up all the best authors with the right topics. As I looked back at what we have covered over the past 10 years, I got to thinking to myself, “Holy moly! We’ve written about a LOT of topics!” So it really goes without saying that yes, we’ve definitely got you covered when it comes to the pond and water feature business.
Now, here’s where you come in. What are we missing? Is there a topic you’d like to see us talk more about? Or perhaps something that we need to revisit? If so, I’d love to hear from you. Shoot me an email at llgelles@pondtrademag.com. Whether it’s a new construction technique, an innovative sales strategy, or a really cool build, we would love to share it with your pond world peers.
For example, our cover story — Concrete Pond Construction Techniques — is about formal concrete ponds, which we have covered from time to time, especially in Kent Wallace’s Best Practices articles that will return in the January/February 2021 issue. However, not until now have we presented the point of view of a Pond Pirate. Walk the plank over to pg. 32 and see everything that went into building Erick Santana’s gorgeous koi pond.
We also like to present new viewpoints about ways to conduct business. While some contractors might balk at installing more than one pump in a small pond, Rex McCaskill explains on pg. 42 why two pumps can be better than one (“One-Two Punch”) and just might save your weekend. No room for a pond? How about a water wall? John Olson has more on pg. 15 (“The Writing on the Wall”) about integrating smaller water features.
Oh, and one more thing — I have a new sidekick. I GOT A NEW PUPPY! His name is Bodie, and he is a border terrier. He sure is keeping me busy! It’s so nice to hear the pitter-patter of puppy feet around the house again.