In the tranquil south suburbs of Chicago, Illinois, lies Orland Park, where a homeowner named Lora Lee dreamt of a complete renovation for her small pond. She envisioned transforming her 10-by-8-foot pond with a waterfall into a low-maintenance, worry-free haven. (She also happens to be the publisher of POND Trade magazine!) Given her passion for […]
Read MoreWhy grow giant pumpkins? I ask myself this every year. I started gardening more than 30 years ago, about the same time I built my first pond.
Read MoreI grew up in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s near Chicago, catching just about anything that would swim, crawl or hop. When I caught something, I would bring it home and put it in one of several tanks in my parents’ townhome. When I ran out of tanks, I found a baby pool that […]
Read MoreTrying to save money and stay within his budget, I suggested adding some bigger boulders and some outcropping to break up the look.
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