Evan McNulty is originally from Mercersburg, Pennsylvania, where he grew up spending time outdoors hunting and fishing. He has an associate’s degree in horticulture from the Pennsylvania College of Technology. He and his wife have three children and enjoy sitting around campfires, making mountain pies with friends and family and kayaking the Conococheague Creek on cool, crisp mornings.

Language of Koi | A Deep Dive into Koi Culture

By Evan McNulty / October 29, 2021 / 0 Comments

When I was young and barely hip-high to my father, he began taking my older brother and me trout fishing at the local creek. I had no fishing pole — I was only there to observe, since my casting skills were still lacking. As the story goes, while I was exploring the shoreline, I spotted […]

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Language of Koi | Quarantine for Koi

By Evan McNulty / October 29, 2020 / 0 Comments

It might as well be a four-letter word, but considering the times we’re in, I’d go out on a limband say that most everyone has become familiar with what it means for us humans to quarantine. In the end, the idea is to keep people safe from potential harm. This is exactly the idea when […]

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