Brad Cazee, co-owner of Cazee Ponds, is an avid outdoorsman who has enjoyed hiking, hunting and fishing since he was a young boy. Being outside is where he feels most comfortable, and it has allowed him to be a budding photographer. Brad and his family have had fish tanks for years and eventually transferred that love from fish tanks to koi ponds. They are currently fulfilling the prophecy that the average pond owner will build three ponds to finally get the pond of their dreams. He applies his experience in the outdoors and nature in his construction style and technique.
Social media has become a major part of our lives, with Myspace, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram. These are amazing (& free) tools that can help drive pond business. If you think that social media is just for kids, you couldn’t be more wrong. It’s here to stay. If you choose to embrace it, you may […]
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