Universal Appeal of Fountains

Published on May 1, 2011

1_toba_fountainsIn Rome today there are fountains that are fed by mountain springs, located miles outside of town. These fountains were built over 2,000 years ago, and remain as points of inspiration throughout the city.

What is the fascination of the fountain that would cause such a huge investment so many years ago? Simply put, it seems we are hard-wired to be enraptured by moving water, and the fountain is the ultimate elixir.

When you see shots of Las Vegas, do you ever not see the fountains at the Bellagio Hotel? No, never. Everyone loves fountains.

But what does that mean to the pond builder or retailer? Fountains are nothing new, but are usually represented by a small mag drive pump driven unit, that while serviceable, doesn’t really scale-up very well to more impressive displays. The alternative is plumbing in a larger fountain head, but this draws water pressure and volume off the main pump, and can be a plumbing adventure for the uninitiated.

So for most, the opportunity of selling a fountain goes unrealized.

Well, there is one more option to consider. What if there was a fountain that was self-powered so it didn’t need to be cut into the existing plumbing? What if it floated, so it did not need to be mounted? What if it came with a remote control to change the patterns of the water display, and had lights that could be modified as well? Now that would be something that might be worth presenting to a client. Well, that unit is here in the form of the Toba Fountain.

Nader Beidokhti is an inventor, and he has spent the last five years perfecting his unique fountain system. He says people should be able to control their fountain and change the display, like they control their TV. With this fountain, the user can change between the auto mode where it is programmed to rotate through many different spray patterns and lighting effects. Or the user can select combinations of a variety of spray and lighting effects manually.

He also points out that fountains add other benefits to a pond’s ecosystem. Every pond benefits from aeration, and there is nothing quite like a fountain to aerate. Koi especially benefit here. The rippling water also adds a level of protection from predators flying overhead or prowling the shorelines.

The Toba Fountain can create a display for most ponds of any size pond due to its ability to remotely adjust the spray patterns and sizes. There is even a convenient timer to shut off the fountain remotely.

If you are looking for something new to offer your clients, consider recommending a fountain. The appeal is universal, and now it is easier than ever to provide with the affordably priced Toba Fountain.

Nader Beidokhti
Toba Fountains
2140 South Yale St Unit D
Santa Ana, CA 92704
(714) 375-3775

*The Trevi fountain, in Rome, is the end of the Aqua Virgo, an aqueduct constructed in 19 BC. It brings water all the way from the Salone Springs (approx 20km, about 12 miles, from Rome) and supplies the fountains in the historic center of Rome with water.*

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