Many plants have playful characteristics and should be incorporated for exactly that purpose.
Back lighting can be used for many plants to highlight the intricate detail of flowers and foliage alike.
The hydrophobic surface of a lotus leaf is in full glory on a foggy night and worth waking up for!
Winter color from berries, colored bark, and movement plants like ornamental grasses are the perfect accompaniment to the winter garden.
Lighting unquestionably enhances the landscape. Take care not to dismiss the importance of natural light from all angles.
Like a dandelion seed head offers inspiration to children of all ages, Lotus petals make delightful boats. Plant parts can be worthy participants to the charm of a garden.
Remnant and persistent foliage can ecounted on to provide winter interest.
Wanvisa and some other waterlilies are consistent in their inconsistencies. Surprises are always welcome.
Careful attention to texture, color and contrasting foliage types keeps it interesting.