Water Features

Design Scene Stealers

Ever wonder what plants you should retail or add to your water feature designs? Take a look at ten wonderful show stopping aquatics that will be a hit with your customers. Learn from our horticulturist expert their names, the conditions they need and what to expect from these specimen plants.

My Favorite Aquatic Plants

Four leading aquatic plant experts each share their three favorite plants. This turned out to be much harder then any of them anticipated, with so many plants to choose from. See their final choices and hear why they selected each one. Included is a great chart to see at a glance how the plants compare. Maybe you will find a new favorite yourself.

Water Garden Pond Plants and Their Personalities

Some plants require behavior modification! All plants, like people, have distinct personalities and they are equally as varied. What some plants need is just a little behavior modification or boundaries – who knew you had to learn the psychology of plants. Read the case study of nine plants and learn about the best and worst of them. Then finish with some preventative medicine.

About the Pond Lotus

The venerable Lotus dominates the watergarden world with its grace
and mystery, historical tradition and perpetually clean leaves. In
their new book, The Lotus: Know It and Grow It, Paula Biles and Kelly
Billing go deep into the how and why of the magical lotus. Here,
Paula shares extensive highlights from the book with us.

The Aquatic Iris: An Unsung Pondscape Hero

There are numerous species of aquatic irises, many native to North America. They grow in areas from Alaska to Florida, and just about everywhere in between. Not only are they a pondscaper’s best friend, they are the original multi-tasking aquatic. They filter the water, avoid hungry koi, blend aquatic plants with terrestrial landscaping, are reliable, …

The Aquatic Iris: An Unsung Pondscape Hero Read More »

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