The Gateway Koi and Pond Club will host the 21st Annual Northern Midwest ZNA Koi Show & Pond Expo on September 22-24, 2023. The event will be held at Timberwinds Nursery in Ellisville, Missouri and is open to the public with free admission. Hours are Friday 3-5pm, Saturday 9am-5pm and Sunday 10am-2pm. There will be raffles, attendance prizes, koi judging and speakers on various topics of ponding and gardening Saturday, along with the judges’ talk and tour of the tanks on Sunday at 10am.
Show koi will be removed from tanks on Sunday at noon for transport home. Koi, goldfish and pond & garden-related vendors will be open all three days. Timberwinds Nursery carries a wide variety of high-quality plants, shrubs and trees along with decorative garden and gift items.
Come enjoy the beautiful living jewels of Japan! Fun for the whole family! Outdoor event-rain or shine! The Main Show Sponsor is PSKoi, Russ Peters.
Show schedule is available at www.nmzna.net and www.gatewaykoiandpondclub.org.

Hello, I happened on the signage for this show when shopping today. We would love the dates for next years show to put on our calendar as we were not aware of this show and live super close and have had Koi for 20 plus years and would absolutely love to come. Thanks, Eve Barnoski
Whoops wrong email. Would love dates for next year thanks
Will there be Koi available for sale at the show?